

This 隐私通知 sets out the privacy policy of the International Chamber of Shipping (“ICS”) and Marisec Ltd (“Marisec”) and Marisec出版物 which is the trading arm of Marisec. ICS and Marisec are UK registered companies limited by guarantee with company registration numbers 2532887 and 2550582, 分别. 以下提及的“我们”、“我们的”、“我们的”是指ICS、Marisec和Marisec出版物.


资料保障法例赋予个人权利,了解他们的个人资料如何被使用. 个人资料是识别个人的信息-它可能是事实信息, 图像或其他记录信息.

This 隐私通知 provides detailed information about how and why we use (or “process”) personal data and what we do with that information. 它还解释了你可以根据自己的信息做出的决定. 请仔细阅读, 如果您对您的个人资料或其使用有任何疑问, 请联络我们: (电子邮件保护) ; or by telephone on: 020 7090 1460 and ask for the Data Protection Representative.

ICS, Marisec和Marisec出版物

ICS is a trade association representing national shipowner associations in various regulatory and policy fora to promote and advance the interests of the international shipping industry and provide other services to the industry, 例如, ICS通过Marisec参与有关海事/船舶安全的讨论, 帮助制定一系列海上作业的行业指南.

Marisec provides professional secretariat services primarily to ICS and also other associations or organisations. Marisec通过其出版物贸易部门生产和销售一些出版物, Marisec出版物. Marisec还代表ICS组织活动.

为了实现ICS和Marisec的核心功能.e., 作为行业协会和专业秘书处有效运作,并符合立法机关的要求, 合同和法定义务, 我们需要处理与各类个人有关的个人资料.


ICS是一个会员制组织, 以国家协会为会员,而这些协会又以航运公司为会员. Our national associations provide personal data on individuals within their association and from their member companies who are nominated to represent them in ICS activity. 这些数据将包括姓名、角色和联系方式. 在提供成员服务时使用此数据, 例如, 姓名和公司隶属关系构成活动记录的一部分, 比如考勤记录, 委员会会议记录, 小组委员会, 小组和工作组会议. 我们也联络, 与其他协会协商合作, organisations and individuals connected with the shipping industry in order to provide effective representation to our members. This entails use of personal data of individuals in those other organisations or operating independently. 这些个人信息通常仅限于业务联系方式,包括姓名, 角色和联系方式.

Marisec为ICS和其他协会提供秘书处服务. 这就需要提供工作人员来进行ICS的代表活动, 出版行业指南, 指引及其他刊物. Marisec为ICS组织了一系列研讨会、会议和讲习班, 邀请ICS会员和其他人参加. 作为这个活动的一部分, 所收集的个人资料将用于安排活动, 联系与会者和演讲者并提供报告.

Marisec出版物销售印刷书籍、电子指导文件和其他产品. 我们收集识别客户所必需的数据, 获取财务付款明细, 交付货物, 并填写所有必要的财务和其他记录,并提供联系电子邮件地址, 我们可以用它来告诉你一些事情, 出版物和其他您可能感兴趣的ICS活动. 您可以随时更新关于接收此类信息的偏好.

  • 图片, audio and video recordings; we may take photographs or videos of individuals at company events, 在印刷材料中使用, 在社交媒体和我们的网站上. This is to showcase the range of activities that we engage in and to publicise our objectives for our members and others. 虽然我们尽量只使用最近的镜头, 我们可能会在事件发生后继续使用这些照片和视频.
  • 特殊类别个人资料(例如, where you give us information on dietary preferences for an event this may reveal health information about you). We do so in accordance with applicable law (including with respect to health and safety and safeguarding) or by explicit consent.
  • 其他与维护我们的网站和网络服务器有关的信息,如IP地址, 操作系统, 浏览器.
    我们维护电子邮件, 其他经营活动的电子和实物记录, 哪些可能包含个人在正常商业通讯中提供的个人资料.


我们承诺在收集个人资料时确保, we do this in accordance with the principles set out in the data protection legislation contained in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), 即, 数据是:

  • collected lawfully and fairly and with transparency; and
    collected for a specific purpose; and
  • limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed; and
  • accurate and kept up to date; and
  • kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary; and
  • 处理时要有适当的安全措施,包括防止非法加工或意外损失, 破坏或损坏.

Applying these principles: we collect most of the personal data we process directly from the individual concerned. Personal data held by us is processed by appropriate members of staff for the purposes for which the data was provided. We endeavour to ensure that all personal data held in relation to an individual is as up to date and accurate as possible. 个人如需更改重要资料,请通知秘书处, 比如联系方式, 对他们持怀疑态度.



Personal data may be stored and processed in the United Kingdom or any other country in which we or associated third parties maintain facilities. 我们是否需要转移个人资料, we will take all reasonable measures to ensure that it is transferred only to third parties that also comply with the GDPR.




我们在使用个人数据的大多数方式上都是基于合法利益. 具体而言,我们希望以下用途符合我们的合法利益:

  • 为ICS和其他协会提供秘书处服务;
  • 代表和促进ICS和ICA国家协会成员的目标和利益;
  • 提供和接收信息;
    Ensuring that all relevant legal obligations are complied with and to obtain appropriate professional advice and insurance.


我们将需要使用个人数据来履行我们在合同项下的义务, 例如, 从Marisec出版物中销售和购买产品.


我们收集数据是为了遵守英国公司法的注册和报告要求. We will also process special category personal data or criminal records information in accordance with rights or duties imposed on us by law, 包括在雇用工作人员方面, 比如背景调查, 福利, insurance or pension plans; for legal and regulatory purposes (例如 diversity monitoring and health and safety).


We will retain your personal data securely and only in line with how long it is necessary to keep for a legitimate and lawful reason.



  • 进入权
    You are entitled to be informed when we are processing your personal data and if we are to receive a copy of the personal information which we hold.阁下应知悉查阅资料的权利仅限于查阅阁下的个人资料, 而且某些数据不受访问权的限制. This will include information which identifies other individuals or information which is subject to legal privilege (例如 legal advice given to or sought by us, 或与法律行动有关的文件).
  • 改正权
  • 删除权
    您有权要求删除我们所持有的有关您的个人资料, in certain circumstances 例如 where personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose which we collected it.
  • 反对权
  • 反对直接营销的权利
    You have the right to object at any time to us processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes. 如果您反对这样的处理,我们必须立即停止所有的直接营销.
  • 限制处理您的个人资料的权利
    在某些情况下, 例如, 在处理更正个人资料的要求时.
  • 数据可携权
    In some circumstances you have the right to request that we transfer the personal information we hold on you to another organisation in a machine readable format. This applies only to information you have provided to us and which we process on the basis of your consent or for the performance of a contract.
  • 撤回同意的权利
    如果我们的处理是基于您的同意, 您有权随时撤回您对我们处理您个人数据的同意. 撤回不影响撤回前处理的合法性. Please be aware however that we may have another lawful reason to process the personal data in question even without your consent. That reason will usually have been set out under this 隐私通知 (or elsewhere in data protection legislation), 或者可能存在于与个人的某种形式的合同或协议下(e.g. 雇佣合同或个人合同,或因为我们某个协会的会员资格).
  • 投诉
    您有权向数据保护机构投诉(例如, 在英国, (信息专员办公室)就我们处理您的个人资料.
    请注意,我们有时会有令人信服的理由拒绝特定的修改请求, 删除或停止处理您的个人数据:例如, 法律要求, 或属于本隐私声明中确定的合法利益. 所有这类请求都将根据其本身的是非曲直予以考虑.

如果您想查阅或修改您的个人资料, 或对个人资料的使用方式有异议, 请以书面向以下地址提出要求: (电子邮件保护). We will respond to any such written requests as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event within statutory time-limits, 在直接要求查阅资料的情况下,哪一个是30天.



http://m0.ftjsgg.com/cookies 了解更多信息.


我们的网站包含到其他网站的链接. These websites will have their own privacy policies and are not covered by this privacy policy which applies only to m0.ftjsgg.com 以及ICS有限公司和/或Marisec有限公司控制的其他网站.


ICS还有一个推特账号@shippingics. 如果您选择在推特上与我们互动, 我们将有机会访问任何帖子或消息直接给我们. We ask that you do not post any sensitive personal information on our social media platforms and if you do so we reserve the right to delete it.



We may update this privacy notice from time to time and where we do so we will amend the version date at the bottom of this notice.

如果您对我们的数据保护政策或我们如何处理您的信息有任何疑问, 您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) or +44 207 090 1460.

